Sunday, July 20, 2014

Using Scriptures to Teach The Plan of Salvation

The big announcement today.....Tanner Stufflebeam received his mission call to the Birmingham Alabama Mission!!!  He leaves September 3rd.  Congratulations.  We are so happy and know the Lord will bless you as you prepare to find and serve and teach the amazing people in Alabama!

We deviated this week from the Restoration.  Bro. Andrew Wadsworth, who served in the Moscow, Russia Mission joined us today to help us boost our study of "The Plan of Salvation" lesson.  He shared that many great minds are still trying to find the answers to the questions that the plan of salvation teaches us.  This lesson is universal and helps everyone understand why we are here, where we came from and what is our purpose and what happens after we die!
The class helped explain the overall plan as Andrew wrote it on the board.  This is a familiar diagram.  However, what is missing is CHRIST!  It is very important that as we draw or explain this diagram that you emphasize that every part is because of Christ.  For example: In the pre-existence we choose to follow Christ. Because of Christ we can come to earth (which HE created) and use our agency to choose to follow Him, Because of Christ we can be resurrected, etc.....Always point out that Jesus Christ is central to this plan.  

We were reminded that everything you read and will teach in preach my gospel can be found in the scriptures.  As you study on your own, and come across a sentence that you don't know where it would be taught in the scriptures, go find it!  Then use it when you teach the lessons.  The better you know and use the scriptures when you teach, the more the spirit will be present (your third companion) and you will demonstrate how your investigator can find their OWN answers in the scriptures.

So Andrew gave each companionship either a paper with a challenge an investigator had, and the other companionship a scripture from the plan of salvation.  A few minutes were given to those with the scripture to read it and study it and then use that scripture to teach with.
Here are the Scriptures:

  They had to ask questions to find out what challenge their investigator had. 
Here were the Scenarios:
Spouse recently passed away
Recently diagnosed with a terminal illness
Recently experienced the birth of child
Recently married
Believes in reincarnation 
Struggling to find any purpose or meaning in life
Desires to some how make up for past mistakes
Close family member suffers from crippling disability
Struggling with an addiction
Recently divorced 
Desires to know why bad things happen to good people
Wonders if there is life after death, or if we simply cease to be
Struggling with recurrent illness and depression
Struggling financially, has a family

Then they taught about the plan of salvation from the scriptures.  Then they were given new scriptures and a new scenario and switched and the other group taught.

After, we came together and discussed what we learned.  
Some learned that you really need to ask more questions to get to the heart of their questions or the questions of the soul.
Another group, sometimes the concerns they have are better met by teaching another lesson.  Its ok to switch to another lesson if that is what they need.
There is power in teaching from the scriptures.  Make sure your lessons are not just your words, but come from God and His words.

Thank you to all the new sisters that joined class today!  We love meeting new people and welcome all who would like to get a head start on your missionary preparation.

Next weeks assignment:
We will be continuing with "The Restoration" Lesson.  Please put into practice what you did today.  Find scriptures that you can use to teach with.  The full lesson plan on page 42 is a great start!  If you are short on time, please read Joseph Smith History and be prepared to share what you learned next week.
Also we will be tracting and teach this lesson to a ward in our stake next sunday the 27th from 4:30-5:30.  This is a great opportunity to practice.  We hope you can make it and bring your friends!

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