Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Restoration Lesson Role Play

In class today we read part of a letter from one of the missionaries from our stake.  It is very inspiring and shows how important the message of our Savior Jesus Christ is to those you might not think would be interested.
He wrote:  So I have a miracle of miracles for you guys... Remember last week in my email where I said,, Okay well im gonna get off now because there's a man sitting next to me listening to satanic music and screaming Satan is my master?? Yeah that??? Well before I left that internet shop I planned I was going to change that mans life, I wanted to know how God saw this man and how He felt about him. As I sat there thinking the spirit came to me and told me I needed to show this man the "Because of Him" Video... I was scared outta my mind and quite frankly shocked but I felt it again. So next thing I know I'm in-between him and his computer telling him that I was going to show him a video. I opened the video then walked outta the shop. As soon as I took my first step out I knew I had to go back in there... but I didn't want to, I had already mustered up all my courage to put myself between him and his antichrist satanic videos. I thought my part was over then suddenly as if I had no agency my two legs started moving again and I was walking back into that internet shop. Completely confident I sat down next to him put my arm around him and watched the video with him. At the end he turned his head at me about in tears saying that was Jesus Christ. I bore testimony of the Savior and that its all because of him that we are here and that we will live again. Because of him we don't have to suffer. Jesus Loves us. The spirit was hitting him hard and before I could even say who I was he was asking for a book of Mormon and if we could stop by and help him get his life in order. Now let me just say... When we think we have done enough we must be willing to go and push even further! God expects great things from us, specially those of us who have this wonderful Gospel. We have the wonderful responsibility to bring that to others. I want you to think about this... In one moment a man went from Satan to Christ, from the darkness to the light. From saying Satan is my master to Please help me come closer to Christ In one moment... and its all Because of Him. God sent Jesus Christ to save us all, we don't have to fear if we trust in the Spirit and share this Gospel. Robert is going to be baptized and I will never forget him. Matter in fact later that night he sent us a text saying he is reading the book of Mormon and is going to finish it so we can visit with him. The next morning he sent us a morning text about how its a great day because Christ is our savior... Amazing. Thats all I have to say and its all because of Him.

Heres the Because of Him video if you haven't seen it.

What a blessing it is to hear about the experiences that are awaiting you as you serve your missions!  

Lets make sure we are ready now!  

We studied and role played teaching the restoration lesson to an investigator that is a widow, 60 years old, lives next door to a member family and loves Jesus Christ.  The lessons are always taught at the members home.  Now you get to teach her the restoration lesson for the first time. Are you ready?  I think so!!!

Here are Spencer and Jacob teaching Hunter.  

Geneva and Emily are teaching Saige, Sarah and Kylie

Tanner and Cameron and teaching Bro. Cox

Tyler and Hayden are teaching Jack and Taylor.

It is amazing to hear them teach with such power and testimony.  We can see their confidence increasing and also their ability to open up and talk about the gospel in a natural way.  Way to go!  We didn't get a chance to switch off  because we had a wonderful returned missionary come and share his testimony and advice with the class. 

Meet Travis Bergen.  He served in Capetown South Africa.  He spoke english and learned some click which was fun to hear.  He explained that Sister missionaries are not called to serve here.  Even though it was a dangerous area he always felt safe and protected from harm and shared an occasion where he was spared from danger.  He told us that you are here for a reason.  That reason is to share the message of the restoration with the world. Joseph Smith was a prophet and his message is true.  He said that the mission saved his life and that serving the Lord has brought him more joy beyond anything you will have at home.
The class asked him questions.  One was what was the one thing that you would suggest we know before we go.  He said with much thought....humility.  Have a humble heart!  Be humble and willing to be taught.  Submit your will to the Fathers will and you will do fine.  He also shared that best success comes when the people realize and feel you are really sincere and want to help them.
His final advice he gave with much energy was this...KNOW WHY YOU'RE GOING BEFORE YOU LEAVE!  Dont wait until you are out there to figure that out.  You do not want to wait the Lord's time or hinder the work.  If you know your purpose, and feel it, you will be prepared to serve.  That purpose might change or be added to, but have a purpose you can hold on to when it gets hard and don't lose sight of that.  Thank you Elder Bergen.  We are so glad you have returned safe and we wish you well in your next adventures!  Keep the missionary spirit alive in all you do!

Later today we met and tracted in the 12th ward.  What a great experience.  Thank you so much to the families that opened your doors to our class and let them teach and share this message with you.  They had great learning opportunities and felt the spirit and gained some great experience!  This is an amazing group of dedicated youth!!!!  We feel confident they are gaining the experience to help them hit the ground running!

Anna Lisa,Geneva, Emily, Kiera, Sarah, Preston, Jack, Tyler, Hayden, Brandon, and Hunter (thumbs up!)
thank  you for making the extra effort to go tracting today.

Next Week's Assignment:  NO CLASS...its fast sunday already.  But the following week we will be back studying the Plan of Salvation.  So please read that lesson again and find scriptures that will help you teach that.  Also ponder the pictures and think of inspired questions about them to help discover what they believe and what their concerns are.
Have a great week.  We will see you August 10th!

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