Sunday, July 13, 2014

Using the Area Book and Teaching Record

Its always a great day to come to Mission Prep!  Today was no exception.
Simon gave some background for the Area Books that you will all have for each area that you serve in.  It includes information about the people that the missionaries have been teaching.  It also includes a map of your area and other important information.  Today we focused on the Teaching Record below.  
The scenario we were given was that you and your companion are white washing an area.  Meaning that the missionaries that were in the area before you have both been transferred out.  You and your companion are brand new to this area and know nothing about the people except what the missionaries have left behind in the area book!  Hope they left you good records right!!!!  Right!!!
Then Simon gave them a filled out record of the family you will be going to visit.  All you have to go by is what was recorded on the teaching record.
Background info was given along with one entry that this family was a referral from the dads mother who is a recent convert. The family consists of mom who works alot, dad  who is interested to learn more about what his mom was taught and how his family can grow closer together and a 10 year old son who has been to church with grandma.  Also dad works for the city, rides mountain bikes, and loves soccer.   The missionaries had met the son and they talked briefly about prophets and set up a lesson.  The next entry...we are getting transferred.  We moved the lesson to friday. Good Luck! 

Now you get to prepare to teach this family the restoration lesson.
Here the class divided up into companionships and started to plan their lesson.
It is so fun to watch the spirit direct their studies!!!

After about 15 min of study, they get to role play teaching this family.

Here the sisters took turns being the missionaries and the investigators.  
Loni, Sarah, Laura and Geneva.

Berkley, Bro. Cox, Zenos, Brandon and Packer

Tyler, Alex, Jack, Kade and Hayden.

After the first group get to teach, they evaluate what they did well and what they could improve on.
Then they ideally re-teach, but because of time, they switch places and the other group teaches.
This is a great opportunity to think from the mind of the investigator and study with them in mind.  
The class is doing a great job and get right to work. 

At the end of class we had these wonderful missionaries report on their misison.
On the Left are Bro. and Sister Henderson.  They served in the Atlanta Georgia North Mission for 1 year.  They both shared that the highlight, the cream of the mission, the cherry on top was being able to work with the young missionaries.  They grew so much from watching you serve.  Their testimonies grew leaps and bounds, even at 70+ years old!  They thanked the class for your desire to serve.  You will make a big difference in the lives of many people you serve.  Sis. Henderson said that you probably feel heavy expectations as you contemplate serving.  Relax and never forget that Heavenly Father loves each one of you and will not give up on you.  He will help you every step of the way.

Next we heard from Sister Barton.  She served in the Florida Tallahassee Mission.  She said you will never regret serving a mission.  She gained confidence that Gods plan is a perfect plan.  She told us that planning is a very big part of being a successful missionary.  At night when you get home and you are very tired, don't forget to fill out your teaching records!!!  (Great push for todays activity!)  she said that the Lords hand is in everything that you do.  

Last but not least, we heard from Bro. and Sister Vermason.  They served in Washington Tacoma Mission with a Military base emphasis. They assisted the missionaries a lot and gave them rides, fed them and helped with firesides and much more.  Bro. Vermason said "I have known many of you since you were very young and know your parents.  We would not tell you something thats not true.  We would have to live with that forever." His testimony was that you will have opportunities to impact peoples lives just by putting on the missionary badge and walking into a room.  Trust that God will guide you to people that are interested in the message of the Savior and His church.  by studying, reaching out, praying, following the spirit and walking long miles, you will impact lives for eternity.  They were impressed with the quality of the missionaries they served with.  
Thank you to these amazing couples and sister missionary.  Everytime we hear missionaries return, our fears and doubts fall away and our faith is renewed that we can do our part to hasten the work of salvation.

This is Will Comin.  He gave his farewell talk today.  He will be leaving for the Ventura California Mission in 2 weeks!  Does his smile just say "Im ready and excited to go!!!"  He shared a story during his talk that I think all of you would enjoy reading.  Here is the link "Testimony of a missionary"   Will, you have waited a long time, but the wait is over and you will soon join the ranks of full-time missionaries!  God be with you til we meet again and we will be able to hear about those people you found and shared the gospel with!!

And this is Troy Tebbs.  He is leaving this week to the Charleston West Virginia Mission!  What a fine young man that has a heart of gold and will do his best as he serves the Lord.  Troy has been our home teacher for the past few years and we will greatly miss his home teaching messages!  But that practice will serve him well.  Good luck Elder Tebbs!!! We will always keep you both in our prayers.

Next weeks assignment:  We have a special guest coming to teach us about the Plan Of Salvation. His name is Andrew Wadsworth.   He served in Russia and has a great lesson for us.  Some of you have seen him before in class. He asked that we come prepared by reading the lesson in Preach My Gospel Pages 47-59 and the Pamphlet that goes with that lesson by next week!  Plan to read a little every day.  Your efforts will pay off we promise!!! You can do it.  Dont procrastinate your assignment :-).  We will see you next week.

Also....Parents and class.  Here is a link to a discussion on the MORMON (Gospel solutions for families) that will help you with preparing future missionaries.  Preparing future missionaries Part 1, Part 2
As you listen, take notes because they give some really practical ideas for helping prepare your children to serve full time missions!!!  Dont miss it!

Another great thing to listen to on the mormon channel- conversations with the public affairs director of the church about how to talk about the church to friends and acquaintences.  Great practical information that will help alot!!!

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