Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Power of Youth Teaching

We had a wonderful class today.  Our discussion about the Atonement was lead by Adam Packer.  He was very well prepared and even brought an awesome experience for the class to witness.

Here he explained that he bought Krispy Kreme donuts for the class, but they could not have them for free. A price had to be paid.  Brady Anderson volunteered to "Pay" for a donut for each person by doing 10 push-ups for each person.  Adam would accept that as payment for a donut.

At first he was able to do them quickly and quite easily ;-)

....but after a while his arms were getting tired, but he didn't quit. He kept doing 10 push-ups for each person in the room, even if they didn't want a donut! 

By the end, he had done 150 push-ups!

Then Adam led our discussion about what we learned from this experience.  It was very powerful even though some have heard of this before, to see and experience it was very touching!

Comments and insights included:
Even though we all were given a donut, not everyone ate it.  Sometimes we have been baptised and are given the gift of the atonement, but do we ever use it.  It is there to use, not just look at or talk about.

We often feel guilty that a price had to be paid for us, and we don't feel worthy or that we don't deserve it, so we don't take advantage of this infinite gift that brings such sweetness into our lives.

Many people are searching, but don't even know it.  When we share with them what the Savior has done for them, they start to see that they need the Savior and He provides direction in their lives.  They are not just being tossed about adrift in the ocean.  We can invite others to act and choose to follow the Savior.  Their testimony will start to grow as they do.

1 Nephi 10:21  No unclean thing can dwell with God.  That is why we must use the gift of the Atonement and repent. And...
Mormon 9: 1-6  If we choose to not believe in God and follow him, we will not even want to dwell with God because of our wrong choices.

What does it really mean to repent?  It means to change.  Change, by coming unto Christ.  Really wanting with your whole being to change.  We can't abandon sin without first seeking the Savior.

We often learn about the price that was paid for our sins. We need to focus on the blessings of the Atonement.  It is a happy thing and helps us become perfected.  The Atonement is a message of Hope, Peace and Happiness!

Dear Class, We have all been edified by your spirit and comments.  Keep it up!  
Thats the pattern.  Learn, Act, Share. 
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

This is soon to be Elder Jacob Shumway.  He will be serving in the Tokyo Japan Mission.  He leaves for the MTC in two weeks.  Jacob will teach with power and testimony and we wish him an added measure of the spirit as he is enlisted now to serve!

Next week:  NO CLASS- its fast sunday.

Class on May 9th:  Please continue your study of the Plan of Salvation.
Study pg 52-54 ( The Spirit World, The resurrection, Judgement and Immortality, and the Kingdoms of Glory)
Ensign Talk by Elder Neil L. Anderson pg 77 "It's A Miracle"

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