Sunday, January 27, 2013

No Class next week!

FYI- next week is fast sunday and we forgot to announce that we do not meet on fast sundays.  So you will have an extra week to prepare for your assignments and to practice teaching from the pamphlet. 

Assignments to discuss for February 10th:
1. Read 1Nephi:1 and discover how this is not only Nephi's story, but your story and your investigators story.
2.  Ensign Talk by Elder Russel M Nelson, Pg 18 "Ask the Missionaries! They Can Help You"
3.  Read page 176-177 in Preach My Gospel- How to begin teaching.

We had a great turn out today in class.  Thank you so much for the spirit you brought with you and your great insights and participation as we learned how to share the message of the Book of Mormon today.

We thought we might post a few pictures now and then for parents to get a glimpse of what we are doing.  

 Here is our Mission Prep Map.  Yellow flags mark where the sisters will be serving, White flags for the Elders. The flags on the side are those that are either waiting for their calls or attending class until they can put their papers in.  Our stake will be represented all over the world, including Massachusetts, Washington, Florida, Oregon, California, France, Germany, Argentina, Uruguay, New Zealand, Australia, and Thailand- I might be missing a few more.  More are waiting for their calls and we are excited to see where they will serve!

This is the left side of the room- we currently have about 7 sisters that have their calls that are attending.  They are sharp girls and will make excellent missionaries!  We also have several 17 year old boys getting a head start on their preparation.  They are strong Young Men and will do great things.

This is the right side of the room.  (couldn't fit both sides in one picture)  A great group of Prospective Elders that are on the ball and willing to learn.

And finally, Caleb Powell.  This is his last time with us.  He enters the MTC on Wednesday and will serve in the California, Long Beach spanish speaking mission.  We know he will teach with power and authority and wish him well and will be praying for him!  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"lovest thou me more than these" John 21:15

I would like to thank you for coming prepared to share what you have learned.  Your willingness to prepare and share strengthens the group and the spirit is stronger when we each do our part, so thank you so much.  Remember the call of the Savior as you prepare yourself to serve him in John 21:15.  This will help you make the choices you need to prepare to serve your mission.

Assignments for next week:
1.   Practice teaching about introducing reading the Book of Mormon
      2.  Practice teaching about how to pray
      3.    Read My Purpose in Preach My Gospel-  Especially the first statement- memorize it!
      4.   Ensign Talk: Pres. Monson, October 2012 “See Others As They May Become”
Also....If you have not already watched the 2 part videos with Elder Bednar, please watch them.  The link is in last weeks post.  

Remember to study with the investigator in mind.  President Hinckley was given similar advice when he was a new missionary from his father...."Forget yourself and go to work."  As we mentioned in class, if you can focus on others, your happiness will increase and you will be filled with joy!!

It was wonderful to see many new faces.  We missed those that were not there :(  Hope to see you next week and that you are feeling better.

A note to parents:  If you could help us by helping your son or daughter pass off to you how to teach the restoration from the pamphlet using the pictures that would be fabulous.  They have the information to help you learn what they need to do.  This is the greatest preparation they can do and will help them hit the ground running when they get into the field.  Thank you so much!

Monday, January 14, 2013

First Day Of Class

We want to thank all of you that got up bright and early and attended class.  We felt the power of your spirits and the great work you are going to be a part of.  This is the Lords great work and we have great confidence in your ability to find and bring your brothers and sisters all over the world to Christ!

Please invite those in your ward that are eligible to attend so they can get a head start on their preparation.  All boys that are 17 and older and girls that are in the process of getting their call or have received their call are welcome!

The assignments this week are:
1.  First and foremost to practice practice practice teaching from the pamphlet "The Restoration" to your family members.  Read and study the information in it so that you are comfortable without reading it and giving a brief summary using the pictures.  We will go over other ways to use this resource to teach with next week.

2.  Read the introduction in Preach My Gospel. "How can I best use Preach my Gospel"

3.  Read Ensign Talk on "The Atonement" by Elder Packer Oct 2012, pg 75.

4.  Read the Title page of the Book of Mormon.  Mark things that would be important to share with an investigator to put them in the DRIVERS SEAT as they learn about the Book of Mormon.

5. To learn more about how to help your investigator feel the spirit and Act....  Please watch the following interview between Elder Bednar and the Sunday School General President about how to learn.  There are 2 parts.   Part 1:     Part 2:   These are a must see!!!!  Great to watch with your parents too!

Next week we will have recently returned missionaries there to help us and to ask questions to!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome to Mission Prep

We are excited to share in this learning opportunity with you.  We look forward to meeting you and working together as you prepare to serve the Lord.

As preparation for the first day of class, please read the following conference talk and come prepared to share what jumped out at you- "Of Things That Matter Most" Dieter F. Uchtdorf October 2010 General Conference.

Class starts early Sunday January 13th at 7:30 am in the Stake Center Relief Society Room.  Come in church dress and bring your Preach My Gospel Manual if you have one, and something to take notes with.

See you there.