Sunday, February 24, 2013

You Are My Hands

Next week:  No Class-  Enjoy your Fast Sunday with your family!  This means you get two weeks to go out and teach the story of the restoration.  

So your invitation this week and next is to pick a companion from class and find a family in your ward, or a friend or relative that you would be comfortable teaching and teach them the whole restoration pamphlet.  You can do it!!  We know you can.  Try to teach at least once each week.  Then please come and share what you learned and tell us about your experiences.

First we just want to thank each of you that came to class today for opening your hearts, and bringing the spirit with you and sharing your valuable insights from what you studied on your own.  Many reflections were shared about the flowers you see pictured above.  Please share in your families how God teaches us in everything that is around us, if we just take time to look!   

We also talked about using your unique talents and abilities on your mission.  As you teach from your own life's experiences, you will teach from the heart and with the spirit!  This is a picture our oldest son painted for a family while serving in Portugal.  The scripture on it is John 10:14.  John 10 is a powerful chapter about the Savior as our Shepherd (Compare to the cover of the Restoration pamphlet).  We also discussed Ammon's example of asking inspired questions to Lamoni in Alma 18: 24-40.  Remember that Heavenly Father "looketh down upon all the children of men; and he knows all the thoughts and intents of the heart; for by his hand were they all created from the beginning" (verse 32)  By the Spirit, Ammon was able to teach Lamoni by discovering what he already knew and added to that.  This is an important pattern to follow on your mission.

We have two that will be entering the MTC this week.  This is very soon to be Elder Kastle Christensen.  He will be serving in New Zealand.  He has a unique spirit that will be very welcomed by many in that great country. We wish you well and will keep you in our prayers.

This is soon to be Elder Emerson Farr.  He is our next door neighbor and it will be hard to see him leave, but we know what amazing opportunities he will have, and the people of Boston Massachusetts will open their hearts to him as he shares his powerful testimony with them.  Good luck Elders!  We will be praying for you.
You will both be the Saviors Hands as you find his lost sheep and help them hear his voice!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ask Inspired Questions

Invitation to read and prepare for next week:
1.  Alma 18:24-40
2.   John 10
3.  Elder Uchtdorf “You Are My Hands”, April 2010
4.    Look for and read supporting material and scriptures that will help you teach the restoration in Chapter 3 
           of Preach My Gospel.

Today we discussed these ideas.  We focused on learning how to ASK INSPIRED QUESTIONS.  This takes practice.  


Here is Kamryn Eslinger practicing by looking at the picture to think of an inspired question to ask an investigator.

The whole class working to discover questions to involve their investigators. 

Talon Miller on the left shares his ideas.  Derek Marin -with light blue tie- has a big smile on his face!  He just opened his mission call this week.  He will be serving in the Phillipines! Congratulations. I would be smiling too :-)

Ashlynn Clegg, Kaitlin Hooker and Caroline Stewart share with each other what impressed them from last weeks reading.

These are the Christensen brothers Kastle- Left, River- Right.  They have calls to New Zeland, and Australia.  This is a great work they have been called to do!  And we can tell they will do a great job.

Brady Anderson , center, conducted our class today.  Great Job.  Remember he invited us to come prepared and practice during the week.

Allie Bate, Emily Tincher, and Brandon Chidester, find and share their treasures with each other.

And this is the purpose of why we study and learn.  To invite others to come unto Christ and have them feel His embrace that only the Savior can offer.  

Parents:  Ask your youth what they discovered when they looked deeper at this picture thinking of inspired questions.  Have them share with your family the story of the Restoration.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ask the Mission Prep class, they can help you.

Today we discussed the talk by Elder Nelson called "Ask the missionaries, they can help you".  We had many share what impressed them from their study.  Thank you so much for sharing with all of us those growing moments that have helped you gain a stronger testimony.  You are well on your way to helping others do the same.

We had a special treat and heard from recently returned elder Johnson from the Hawiian Islands. He shared his powerful testimony of charity and taught us that the word Aloha means you are happily sharing your breath or life with someone and it is a great compliment. Thank you so much.  We felt your strong spirit.

We were also blessed to be taught by Bro. White- Front Row, who recently returned from the Taiwan mission.  He got us up and role playing how to become best friends with someone you don't know and start a discussion.  This was fabulous and brought new ideas and understanding to our class. Thank you Bro. White- we can tell you were a great missionary!
I am sorry I had camera troubles and only got this one picture.  I will do better next week!
Also, Sister Kofford on the front row received her mission call last week to Maryland!  Congratulations.  She leaves on May 22.  They will be very blessed to have her there.

Since we didn't meet last week we did not get a picture of Bro. Pyne before he departed to the MTC. So here is the next best thing- His flag on the map.  He left last week and wish him well and know he will be such a wonderful addition to Thailand.

Now onto next weeks assignments:

February 9, 2013 Assignments:
1.   Read Ensign pg 83  Elder Holland “The First Great Commandment
2.  1 Nephi 2- your story continues.
3.  Have a missionary experience-  Teach the Restoration to someone, then return and report back what happened. (See Handout)
4.  Practice introducing the Book of Mormon.  (See Handout)
If you have more time then:
      5.  Read Moroni 10- Usually we just refer to verses 2-5, see if there are other things in this chapter that would help you see how to come unto Christ.
      6.  If you will be entering the MTC soon, please start watching the 6 episodes from District 1 and 2.

Parents-  Ask your son or daughter to teach you about faith using a blindfold and a chair. 
We also discussed that the message of the Gospel needs to be presented in a way someone can "catch" it.  You can have them demonstrate this too. Thank you for sharing your amazing youth with us.  It is an inspiring group!!