We had the pleasure today of being taught by Bro. Wadsworth. We invited him back to help us learn and understand Preach My Gospel and how to study it. He shared great practical things he learned on his mission. First, the circle graph represents how 2 years of your life is divided up. 243 days- sleeping, 106 Eating, 30 Days in district and sunday meetings, 30 days for p-days, 91 days in study, and the rest is spent finding and teaching. So how you spend your study time greatly determines how you will teach. He admonished us to get ahead of the game by studying and recording specific scriptures that will teach the doctrine. If we just speak about things from our own ideas, the spirit will not be there. We must teach from the scriptures so that the Spirit can testify that what they are reading is true.
Help investigators recognize the spirit. As you teach with the spirit, they will feel it. Teach them what that feeling is. Teach them how they can receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Power of the Holy Ghost is available to them before baptism, it will witness to them the truth. However, the Gift of the Holy Ghost can be theirs only after proper and authorized baptism and is conferred by the laying on of hands by the Priesthood. This gift acts as a cleansing agent to purify a person and sanctify them from all sin.
We then discussed, after we repent, are baptised and receive the Gift of the Holy ghost, are we done? 2 Nephi 31:19-21 We now have the opportunity to have a member of the Godhead as our constant companion to help us, teach us, warn us, comfort us, sanctify us and cleanse us the rest of our lives. We will continue to make mistakes, but the Holy Ghost will guide us to repent and stay on the path to eternal life. This process is called enduring to the end. Actually its more like enjoying to the end!
Here is Talon reading from Preach My Gospel. He discovered that when we feel the Holy Ghost now, it is a foretaste of what it is like to have eternal joy and the promise of eternal life.
Adam asked how can we explain what God asks of us to people that think they don't need to do anything once they accept Christ as their Savior. Great question.
Bro. Wadsworth gave great council. Study the scriptures. Read the words of Christ to them and then let the Spirit testify to them that His words are true. He explained that everything in Preach My Gospel can be found in the scriptures. He challenged us to look at each sentence in these last two sections and find a scripture that teaches that doctrine. Then WRITE IT DOWN! that is key to learning and remembering. Record what you find. Many of them are already listed in Preach My Gospel- however you can find many many more.
Here are the scriptures he asked us to look up as we study about the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End.
I wanted to share this in class, but we ran out of time:
Elder Bednar said that the greatest teachers in his life "refused to give me easy answers to hard questions. In fact they did not give me answers at all. Rather they pointed the way and helped me take the steps to find my own answers. I certainly did not always appreciate this approach, but experience has enabled me to understand that an answer given by another person usually is not remembered for very long, if remembered at all. But an answer we discover or obtain through exercise of faith, typically, is retained for a lifetime. The most important learnings of life are caught- not taught"
Lets experiment on his words:) See what you can find and see if we don't retain the information better so that the Spirit can bring that knowledge to our remembrance as we testify to our investigators.
Next week: NO CLASS- its fast sunday.
Assignment for Class on July 14th:
1.Read the Scriptures listed above and write down what you learned.
2. Also since you have two weeks...Look at each sentence in the last two sections pg 65-66 of PMG and find a scripture that teaches that doctrine. Then WRITE IT DOWN!
3. Also read President Monson's talk on page 66 of the Conference Ensign, "Come, All Ye Sons of God"
Thank you for the spirit we felt in class and for your questions and participation!
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