Sunday, June 9, 2013

Faith Overcomes Doubt

This is Talon Miller.  He did a fabulous job leading our class today by having us first discuss the Ensign Article we read last week.  Talon shared that the statement "Faith overcame doubt" was repeated several times. This lead to a great discussion about what that means with regard to missionary work. He reminded us that the spirit does the converting, not us. 
Then we discussed pages 52-54 of Preach My Gospel. We spent most of the time talking about Judgement, and the kingdoms of Glory.   Great scriptures were shared, including Alma 34:34 , Alma 40:11-13, and Alma 41. D&C 138, D&C 76

 Bro. Hooker shared a way to teach Alma 41:15 with a mirror.  Verse 15 says, "For that which ye do send out shall return unto you again, and be restored.  The class shared how the mirror could teach this idea.  He calls it "The Law of the Mirror". The mirror will reflect exactly what is in front of it. Likewise, we cannot be restored to something that we are not.

We also had the privilege of hearing from 3 recently returned missionaries.  This is Sister Jolly.  She and her husband just returned from South Africa.  She shared how her testimony grew as she watched others drastically change their lives and live the gospel.  They were over the YSA's there.  They helped gather these new converts and help strengthen their testimonies and provide a safe loving place for them to meet and learn.  We could feel her genuine love for the people they served.  Thank you Sister Jolly for sharing your testimony and witness of the blessings of missionary work with us!

Here is Bro. Jolly.  A very humble, kindhearted, soft spoken very special missionary.  He praised the youth in our class for talking together about the gospel.  He wished he would have been able to do that with his family when they were younger.  He learned on his mission that its easier than he thought to sit down and have a gospel discussion with the many YSA's they were assisting.  Great council to all of us.  As we practice discussing what we have learned one on one with the Lord through personal reading of the Book Of Mormon and Modern Day prophets with each other in this class and at home in our families, we will become more comfortable doing it with our investigators!!!  

And this happy R.M. is Micah Wilkes.  He just returned from the Kobe, Japan Mission.  He told us that in his mission he was able to teach people for the very first time about God and that he is their Father.  This was a very new concept for them.  He always was aware of his weaknesses, but realized that you do what you can, and God takes care of the hard stuff.  Be obedient and faithful and you will see successes.  Thank you Micah for your great testimony and insights!

Next WEEK:  Micah's Sister will be leading our class so please try hard to come prepared to share with the class what you found and learned from the assignment.

1.  Please Study Preach My Gospel pg 60-61. Remember to read the scriptures that go along with these sections and add any more that you find on your own.  This chapter goes along with the 3rd pamphlet "The Gospel of Jesus Christ" which we handed out today.  
2.  Also please read Conference talk "The Hope of Gods Light" pg 70, by Elder Uchtdorf.

Thank you for a great class.  Talon, we felt your spirit and are grateful you prepared so well and involved so many of us in the discussion.  We learned so much from each other!

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