Monday, April 22, 2013

Teach To Peoples Needs From the Heart

According to Bro. Hooker, class was a "10" today.  Why?  because you participated in a meaningful discussion about the plan of salvation and how it speaks to you personally.  
We started out learning about the second pamphlet "The Plan of Salvation" by asking each person to look at the pictures and pick one they connect with and share why.  Through this we learned and were taught the doctrines of the atonement and Gods Plan for all of his children and how they apply to us.
From this picture Trevor noticed that the parents looked happy even though the child looked sad.  Our Heavenly parents know that we will struggle in life but know it will help us grow and teach us what we need to know and do in order to reach our full potential and ultimately live with Him again. Also that the parents (Heavenly Parents) are close...right don't be afraid.  They are there to help you.
Ethan thought the child looked determined, not sad. On the page facing this in bold black letters it says. We have much to learn and experience during this life.  We will need help at times, but it is also our test to see if we want to learn what He would like to teach us.

Talon and Matt shared personal experiences about a time when their faith was shrinking and prayed for more faith.  They asked to know if "I have a place in this church?"  The Atonement allows us to repent and feel clean and start fresh.  The spirit witnessed to all of us that we indeed ALL HAVE A PLACE in His Church.  
Another comment- no one wants to be the last one picked on a team.  We are always on the Lords team!!!
And another reference to the puzzle pieces from last week...everyone wants to be a piece of the puzzle, but wonder where do I fit in?  
Our charge as representatives of Jesus Christ are to invite everyone we meet to come unto Christ so that you can feel His love.  Which love is the greatest gift of all.

Makelle was intrigued by the color of Mary's dress and sash.  Another person shared that he saw in this picture that the Savior is Living.  He is talking to Mary one on one.  Jesus cares about us individually.

I apologize for not writing down more of the comments that were shared about these pictures or not writing them better.  I was so engaged in what was being said that I forgot to record all of them.  
The power of class came from your speaking from the heart and talking about real needs.  
That is how we share the gospel.  Its that simple!

Next week:  We will have class
Yes it is fast Sunday, but Stake Conference is the week after that so we got special permission to have class next week even though it is fast Sunday!!  We will not have class on stake conference.

Please continue to study this pamphlet and share its message with your family.  
Also review page 175-177 in Preach My Gospel about "How can I improve my teaching skills" All the important keys are in this powerful book!  
We encourage you to follow the pattern suggested on pg 17 of Preach My Gospel:  "Effective daily study must always begin with prayer.  Study is an act of faith requiring the use of personal agency.  Many missionaries struggle to know how to study effectively. Some rely heavily on others or on structured programs to tell them what and how to study.  While learning from a good teacher is very important, it is more important for you to have meaningful learning experiences on your own.  Getting good results from your study depends on having a strong desire to learn, studying with real intent (Moroni 10:4), hunger[ing] and thirst[ing] after righteousness (Matt 5:6) and searching for answers to your investigators questions and concerns".

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