Thank you for your insights that you shared from Conference. Some of them were: Pres. Uchtdorf- Individuality is important in the church. Elder Holland- God puts up with us when we are imperfect. We should do the same with others. Use Social Media as a missionary tool to reach out to friends and create a profile. Elder Cook- The doctrine of peace- Only found in Christ. This message of Peace is the greatest thing we have to offer as missionaries. Elder Ballard- The potential of tomato seeds planted and then the plant almost died. Don't get discouraged- keep watering the plant and give it sunshine and it will revive!
Today we learned how to have a discussion with a family about the Restoration.
This is a puzzle turned upside down to generate interest in the topic. Explain to a member family you are teaching that you want to have a discussion about the restoration. You would like them to share an important truth about the restoration, or a significant event that happened because of it. Such as- God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. They have a body of flesh and bone. God answers our prayers. The priesthood power was restored to the earth, etc. As each person comments, have them turn over a piece of the puzzle. Great thoughts were shared by these amazing prospective missionaries like: Churches had pieces of truth, but were missing the fullness of the gospel. If a piece was missing from their church and they didn't know the answer, they just painted in what they wanted to fill that spot. By small and simple things are great things come to pass. Investigators don't understand the gospel- its our job to help them flip over the pieces so they can see what it is. Turning over a piece of the puzzle is like asking a question. When we ask a question, we allow God to give us the answer.
After the pieces are all turned over- the class worked to put them all together.
And this is the completed puzzle. This is a copy of an original watercolor painting we were given for a wedding gift 30 years ago!! A priceless treasure. Next we had a discussion about what the restoration meant to each of us personally. How has knowing that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to earth affected your life?
Now your invitation for this week:
You were given a small version of this puzzle. Have a similar discussion about the restoration with your family and 2 other families. Leave them a copy of the Restoration pamphlet and invite them to use it with their family to learn more about the critical pieces of the Restoration. This might also include the families you home teach. Come back and share your experience.
We also passed out the next pamphlet. This and all the pamphlets can also be viewed online here.
Read through this and we will be discussing this next week and work together to find the doctrines you will be teaching with it.
One of those doctrines is the Atonement. We gave you a rubberband to put on the backside of your hand around your pinkie and thumb below the knuckles. They tried to get it off by just using that hand. Compare this experience to the Atonement and invite your family to participate in this experience and share their thoughts about how this could teach about the atonement. You will be amazed what the spirit will teach you if you ask the question!
Finally, here is what all our learning is all about....going and serving and teaching the world! This is Sister Caroline Stewart. This was her last week with us in class. She has been a great blessing to us and has shared her testimony of the gospel in profound but simple ways. We will miss her. She will be serving in Melbourne Australia! She is a prepared missionary and will teach with the spirit.
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