Saturday, October 11, 2014

Our Sister Missionaries Are Returning

What a wonderful thing to be here to see these amazing Sister Missionaries return. This is part of the first group of sisters that left from our stake with the first wave after the age change. 

 We were privileged to hear from 5 sisters this day and a senior couple.

This is Sister Hansen.  She served in Chili. 

Flash back 18 months ago to these girls getting ready to go.

This is Sister Hooker. She is our daughter who returned from the Argentina, Salta Mission.
Here is Sister Clegg who returned from the Australia, Sydney mision

And Sister Bate, from Germany Frankfurt Mission.

Sister Tebbs served in the Canada Toronto Mission

Bro and Sister ?  I lost my notes so I will add it later:/ 
They served as building facility directors in Palmyra, New York and assisted with many things including the pagent, feeding and loving missionaries and building maintenance. They shared how the Lord blessed their family with miracles while they served.  

All these missionaries bore powerful testimonies of our Savior Jesus Christ. They each came to know Him through trials and adversity when it seemed like there was no one else to turn to.  He was there for them.  The gospel is true and it blesses us every day to be happy and have hope.

Bro. Hooker and I are grateful we have been able to be in this calling long enough to see these missionaries return.  What a blessing to hear their testimonies and see the growth and understanding they have gained by their dedication to the Lord and his children.  We know you will continue to do this throughout your lives.

This Sunday we will introduce you to the NEW TEACHER!!!  Dont miss it.  We have been transferred!!!  My final post will be this coming sunday.

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