Sunday, June 22, 2014

Study Effectively By Starting With a Question

Welcome Back!  After a couple weeks of not meeting, we are back in the swing of things.  Parents, thank you for sharing your amazing children with this class.  Their preparation and contributions bring the spirit quickly and powerfully.  Your support and encouragement are greatly appreciated!

Today we talked about effective study habits.  On page 17of PMG- chap 2, we discussed why using our agency through our faith to study on our own will let the Lord know we are ready to learn.  Then his spirit will teach us.  
As a missionary, we know its not about us!!! Its about the investigator.  Each one individually.  So today we got into groups of two and they thought of a person that is struggling or could use a specific gospel message.  They wrote down the question that they felt that person would have.  Then they went to the scriptures and PMG to find answers for that question.

The goal:  As we study with the investigator in mind, the spirit can help you know what they might need to hear or concerns they might have.  

As you write down that question and search for an answer, you are more likely to remember it later when a need arises. 

Here you can see the wheels churning :-)  The spirit through the scriptures speaks truth with more power than we ever could.  They had this confirmed again today!

Ryan and Jared----He reminded us that INFORMATION PRECEDES REVELATION

Troy, Cameron, Will

Berkley, Bro. Cox

Jacob, Brandon, Brandon, Hunter

Laura, Sarah

Alex, Jack, Taylor

Alex, Tyler

Here are the questions they came up with.  We didn't get to all the scriptures they found but once again witnessed that the answers are in the scriptures!!!!

We took a break as these wonderful returned missionaries reported to the class and shared their testimonies and answered questions.
Cameron Rankin, Tosh Dowling and Justin Simpson.
Justin went first. He served in Los Angeles California.  He came to know the church is really true.  Its impossible to explain everything you learned on your mission.  You need to go and experience it yourself.  He know that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. And we can become like our Heavenly Father through the power of the Atonement.  When you come home from your mission you still don't know everything, but you have the tools to make the changes you need to make in your life.  He knows the Book of Mormon changes you.  It teaches about the atonement of Jesus Christ.  If you are not reading it every day, DO IT!!

Tosh served in Chile. He encouraged the class to prepare now.  You are going to experience a great miracle in your life if you are prepared.  He hopes you are doing everything you can now to prepare so you can hit the ground running.  Waiting till you are on your mission is not the time to start preparing. 

Cameron served in Canada, Vancouver.  He explained that you change and grow so much on your mission.  You change because your spirituality increases as you become a more powerful disciple of Christ. As you serve, you gain Christlike love for everyone you meet.  You learn that God has that same love for you.  You will never regret going on a mission.  You won't baptize everyone you meet, but you can share the message of Christ with everyone and keep inviting others to come unto Him.  As you apply the life of Christ in your mission, you will be successful.  Also remember you can convert someone past your own conversion.  So make sure you have a testimony before you go.

They reminded us that the spirit is your most important companion.  Listen to the spirit and focus on the Book of Mormon.

One question was do I Increase my testimony.  their answer..REad the book of Mormon, Pray every morning and night, go to the temple and study Preach My Gospel chapter 3.  the Lord says draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you.  A mission is too hard to stand on borrowed light!

Justin asked us if we knew if Heavenly Father loved you.  Elder Neil Anderson said in conference that if you know that God loves you, then you know enough. A mission can help you know without a doubt that your Heavenly Father loves YOU.  

Thank you for your examples of faith and commitment to missionary work.  We felt the spirit speak through you to each person individually.  Good luck as you move onto the next phase in your lives!!!  

This is Ryan Jensen.  He leaves for Oakland/San Francisco California Mission this week!  He has been coming to class from the very beginning.  We have seen his desire and testimony increase as he has worked so hard to be prepared to serve.  A remarkable young man that is ready to share the Gospel and the love of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Congratulations Ryan!

Next weeks Assignment:  We will be studying the Restoration Lesson in Chapter 3.  Please practice what we did in class and study with someone in mind as you ponder how to apply the teachings of the restoration.  Look up the scriptures and find answers to questions you have and come share them with the class next week!

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