We learned that sometimes God tests us first, before we know the outcome of our choices. Ty had to decide between the stake Encampment this summer and a football camp. Both are very important to him. After he chose the Stake Encampment, he found out that the Football camp dates had been changed. Now he can attend both! (Ether 12:6 "ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith")
Alex studied out the answer to his own question, "How to soften the hearts of others"? He went to the scriptures for answers. He learned we need to ask for humility, be meek, polite, mild, treat others with care, be gentler with people who have sinned, forgive them and help them.
Ryan shared how he tried something different with his family scripture study to engage the family more and he felt a difference.
Someone shared this quote "To be humble is not to tear yourself down, rather to remember your dependance on God"
These two shared and taught us like they had been companions for 2 years. They have learned how to listen to each other and teach together. They taught us that your calling is specifically for you. As you serve you will realize that too. They encouraged us to study Preach My Gospel and "How To Begin Teaching" pg 176-177. As you memorize these points and use them, which they both said you would all the time, it lets your investigator know your goal and purpose of why you are there.
The class now gets to ask them questions.
How do you teach a Buddhist about Jesus? Teach simply. By reading the Book Of Mormon.
What did you have to leave behind in order to serve? School, lifestyle. After you are set apart, overnight there is a culture switch in the MTC. You need to find new ways to relieve stress. You can't text your friends, play video games, watch tv, go to the movies. You learn that prayer is the best way to relieve stress. You cant text friends, but you can always talk to your Heavenly Father.
How do you overcome rejection? He dated :) He got used to it before his mission. (Humor is a great thing!) But seriously, he said the idea of knowing that a miracle is just around the corner. There are days you just want to stay home in your apartment. But God will bless you for going out and trying to find people even if you get rejected.
How do you draw nearer to God? By helping others come to Him.
What is the most important thing you can do to get ready for your mission? Develop Faith. Know your purpose. Learn from the example of others that have served.
How do you learn the language? It takes time, have faith, work hard, it will come.
What great questions! We were impressed by these. Questions are at the heart of all gospel learning!
Thank you Elders for sharing with us! Good luck to you both as you transition to a new routine.
Now its our turn to get ready to teach the restoration. We will teach this to the 16th ward this afternoon.
Here is what they learned.
-Focus on the positives of each family situation. Every family is different and not the traditional family with 2 parents.
- When teaching about the book of mormon, ask them questions. Hunter asked this question. How would you feel if God came and stood right before you and gave you a book and said everything in this book is true. What would you do with that book? Excellent question!! It involves them and helps them see why its so important.
- Introduce yourself. Get to know the family first.
- Get references for other people that might like to hear this message.
- They didn't ask enough questions. Just lectured.
- There is power in reciting the first vision from memory! Cameron did it!! You can't deny the spirit you feel when you hear Josephs personal experience. Thank you for keeping that commitment Cameron to memorize it.
Simon shared this great example of the Restoration. First its important to make sure you that you teach that God established His Church on the Earth. If you don't explain that very well, then the idea of a restoration doesn't make sense. He had a companion that compared the restoration to a Jenga Game. When the tower is complete it represents Gods Church on the earth. All the pieces are there. During the Apostasy, the tower fell. The pieces were there, but not all in one place. So people took the pieces they liked and tried to create a church. It took the restoration to gather all the pieces in one place.
We met this afternoon to share the Restoration lesson in the 16th ward. Thank you Bishop Redd for doing such a great job of preparing your ward for us. We had 18 show up to teach! What an awesome site. You could feel the energy from this group. Please encourage your youth to join us. Its a great opportunity!
Away they go. They all had great experiences. Some even got to street contact!
And then we gather after to talk about how it went.
This isn't the whole group, some are still coming. It was fun to hear that they used the questions and examples from class today as they taught. We also learned that while they were tracting, Jared Pyne got a phone call from a sister he baptized on his mission. She called to inform him that she would be going to the temple. Simon and Jared's example of continued missionary work are important to learn from.
Thank you for making the effort now! You will be glad you did.
We dont meet next week....which actually is today :/ because its fast sunday.
Next weeks Assignment:
Please keep studying Chapter 10 of Preach My Gospel. Work on memorizing the bullet points on page 176-177.
Memorize the first vision, page 37, second paragraph.
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