Andrew and Simon helped again this week. They started out by asking this question- What is the first thing you want to do when you start your lesson with an investigator you have been teaching? Makele said "pray"! Thats right, very important. Then what? You follow up on the homework you gave them. See what they learned. Find out their questions. That is the best way to have a lesson. You do 30% of the talking, and they do 70%. We are used to us doing 90% and them 10%. Hopefully we are learning to make this shift.
So what did you learn this week from your homework?
Caden Neider shared several great questions and scriptures he found. Under the heading "God Is Our Loving Heavenly Father" he asked 3 questions he picked up from a talk from John Bytheway.
1. Why are there wars. Scripture: 2 Nephi 2:27
2. Who created Evil...or Did God create evil?
3. Why do children die at such a young age?
These great questions fueled our class discussion about many teaching opportunites. Like, to handle a question you don't know the answer to.
2. Getting to the real question they are asking.
3. The importance of pausing to let the spirit teach and for you to really ponder what they are asking.
4. When you pretend to know the answer and say "I Think" and not use the scriptures, the spirit leaves and you cannot teach.
5.Remember to always listen to your 3rd companion- The Holy Ghost!
6. Teach People Not lessons. But don't forget to teach the lessons to the people.
7. Its better for them to learn to find the answers to their questions using their scriptures. You cannot be a crutch for them, because when you leave they need to know how to feel the spirit on their own.
8. If they have not read the chapter you asked them to, then read it with them before you move on. Help them understand the difficult words, and have them summarize what they read in their own words. As they do this, they are teaching themselves.
9. Use your study journal and record your questions and answers.
10. Successful missionaries Plan! Fill every hour of your day with something meaningful. Its easy to just get up and get into a routine. Planning with the spirit will help you be more effective.
What a great class today! We learned so much. Thank you for coming prepared and sharing. We all felt the spirit and are more prepared to go and serve!!!
This is Caitlyn Sears last week with us : ( We will miss her wonderful comments and great wisdom and experience she has brought to our discussions. But the wonderful saints in Cebu, Philippines will love her too! She leaves on August 28th. We will be praying for you and know this journey you are taking will be the best ever.
No class for two weeks : (
Next week is stake priesthood.
The following week is Fast Sunday.
So for Sept 8th the assignment is:
Using the Restoration Pamphlet, come up with one question and a scripture for each picture in the pamphlet.
Please come with those questions and scriptures written down so you can share what you found.
See you in two weeks!
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