Today class started off with sharing any missionary experiences they have had lately. When we feel comfortable sharing the spirit comes so much quicker, so thank you for many that made comments today and offered their ideas.
Brady Anderson has spent some time in Mexico and met someone that was ready and prepared to hear about the Church. They gave him a Book Of Mormon and put them in contact with the missionaries. He commented on how easy and natural it was when the people are ready to hear our message.
This was Adam Packers last week with us. He has been attending class since we started and we have come to value his participation and leadership skills. We will miss him. More about his assignment later...
He wanted to just share his testimony with the class on his last day. What a great memory we will have of him. He knows the church is true and has a testimony of the restoration and the Book Of Mormon. This will be a great blessing to him as he enters the mission field.
Here is some of the class as we gathered in the foyer of the Stake Center. We discussed how to help investigators become familiar with our buildings and what happens inside them. Some important points are: 1. Always have a member present as you tour the building that can also offer them a ride or sit by them at church.
2. Use the pictures on the walls to teach the gospel.
3. Help them recognize the spirit they feel in the House of the Lord.
4. Invite them to arrive10 minutes early to Sacrament Meeting and sit close to the front where they can see the sacrament table. Explain what the sacrament is. Have an empty bread and water tray on the sacrament table and talk about this ordinance. Explain the cleansing power that comes as we partake of the sacrament. You can ask, would you like to feel that?
5. After the meeting, walk them up to meet the Bishop. The bishop is a key person in helping you gain the trust and help of the ward council members. You can also help gain the trust of the bishop when he knows you are doing your part.
6. Have them meet other ward members when they visit.
7. Walk around the building and explain what we do in each of the rooms. This is a great opportunity to answer any questions or concerns they might have.
8. There are 3 reasons why investigators don't come to church. 1- They don't know the people, 2- They don't know the place, and 3- They don't know the procedures. Help them with these concerns so they will feel comfortable and welcome in our meetings. Show them the procedures that are listed in the back of each pamphlet and discuss any questions they have.
Here we talked about the fun ward and youth weekly activities we have in the cultural hall. Invite them to participate.
And now we say goodbye to Adam. He will leave for the England MTC on wednesday and be learning German. He will be serving in the Alpine german speaking mission that includes Munich, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. You can tell by the light in his countenance that he is eager and ready to serve. We know the Lord will bless you in that wonderful part of the world!
Each of you prepare a short 3-5 minute lesson from any of the topics in Lesson 4: the commandments. Preach My Gospel, Pg 71-81
Answer the questions we talked about last week and be prepared to teach the class the lesson you prepared.
1. In what situation do I picture myself teaching?
2. What are the basic points I hope to cover?
3. What scripture references will I use?
4. What questions will I ask?
5. What is the testimony that I want to share?
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