Monday, January 14, 2013

First Day Of Class

We want to thank all of you that got up bright and early and attended class.  We felt the power of your spirits and the great work you are going to be a part of.  This is the Lords great work and we have great confidence in your ability to find and bring your brothers and sisters all over the world to Christ!

Please invite those in your ward that are eligible to attend so they can get a head start on their preparation.  All boys that are 17 and older and girls that are in the process of getting their call or have received their call are welcome!

The assignments this week are:
1.  First and foremost to practice practice practice teaching from the pamphlet "The Restoration" to your family members.  Read and study the information in it so that you are comfortable without reading it and giving a brief summary using the pictures.  We will go over other ways to use this resource to teach with next week.

2.  Read the introduction in Preach My Gospel. "How can I best use Preach my Gospel"

3.  Read Ensign Talk on "The Atonement" by Elder Packer Oct 2012, pg 75.

4.  Read the Title page of the Book of Mormon.  Mark things that would be important to share with an investigator to put them in the DRIVERS SEAT as they learn about the Book of Mormon.

5. To learn more about how to help your investigator feel the spirit and Act....  Please watch the following interview between Elder Bednar and the Sunday School General President about how to learn.  There are 2 parts.   Part 1:     Part 2:   These are a must see!!!!  Great to watch with your parents too!

Next week we will have recently returned missionaries there to help us and to ask questions to!

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