Before we talked about this revelation and how to teach it, we had several people share what they found during the week in their personal scripture study. We testify that the spirit was in abundance because of the things that you shared and found.
Hunter shared Matt 5:14-16 Ye are the light of the world..and had it memorized!
Hayden- Alma 17:2-3 The sons of Mosiah waxed strong and were of sound understanding. This is our ideal to strive for as missionaries. But this is not all! Read these verses!
Jack- Moroni 7:45, He shared this scripture in Seminary and felt that when you share a scripture that means something to you, it helps you as well as those you share it with.
Taylor- Mosiah 24:12, Alma and his people were persecuted and they pour out their hearts to God. They SINCERELY asked God for help.
Ashley B.- 2 Nephi 26:25. 26, 33 Gods love...We need to feel it. He invites all to come unto him even in iniquity.
Ryan- Book of Ether, He had been studying about the Jaredites. As they were righteous they prospered and followed the prophet. Even if you think you have a better idea, Follow the Prophet!
We saw that God is there to talk to each of us individually. The windows of Heaven opened up as you taught us by the spirit! Thank you. Please continue to come prepared to share those gems you found during the week.
After we talked about the history of the Word of Wisdom, how it was revealed and what it is, we practiced teaching it to each other.
Loni Hooker, Ashley Nicholes, Bro. Hooker, Ryan Jensen, Packer Wilkes
Hayden Cannon, Drake Taylor, John Lee, Spencer Bradford
Krista Johnson, Sammy Meyer, Alex Richards, Nathan Eddington
Ashley Bouwhuis, Sarah Holyoak, Jack Taylor, Taylor Kofford
Brandon Bouwhuis, McCoy Rowley, Hunter Osmun, Tyler Hunt
Michael Johnson, Travin Lomeli, Alejandro Diaz, Corbin Neider, Simon Taylor
All of these groups did a great job, jumped right in and opened their mouths and they were filled!
What did you learn?
Please share in your families about your experience.
While others talk to you, avoid the tendency to think about what you are going to say. Make sure you are really concentrating on the person speaking rather than planning your response.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught: “More important than speaking is listening. These people are not lifeless objects disguised as a baptismal statistic. They are children of God, our brothers and sisters, and they need what we have. Be genuine. Reach out sincerely. Ask these friends what matters most to them. What do they cherish, and what do they hold dear? And then listen. If the setting is right, you might ask what their fears are, what they yearn for, or what they feel is missing in their lives. I promise you that something in what they say will always highlight a truth of the gospel about which you can bear testimony and about which you can then offer more. … If we listen with love, we won’t need to wonder what to say. It will be given to us—by the Spirit and by our friends” (“Witnesses unto Me,” Ensign, May 2001, 15; italics in original).
When people have addictions, we must be sensitive to them and offer support not condemnation. As they strive to live the Word Of Wisdom it most likely will not happen overnight. Help them and love them by listening to them sincerely and acting on the promptings of the spirit to assist them.
Assignment for the next 2 weeks.
No Class Next week
Here is a talk we would like you to read and talk about in your families. All Things Testify of Him: Understanding Symbolism in the Scriptures, Ensign Jan 1981, By Lenet Hadley Read
We will be studying The Restoration Lesson again, but we will be drawing on other chapters in Preach My Gospel to enhance our study. Chapter 10 "How Can I Improve My Teaching Skills" would be a great one to start to read!
We also want to thank the 13th ward for letting our class teach "The Commandments Lesson" in your ward. They had a great experience and learned a lot. We hope more of you can join us next month when we get this opportunity again!